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A new smaller version of the QNET4U mobile app is available in the iOS and Google Play mobile app stores!
The latest version of QNET4U lets you choose how you can view the QNET product catalogue and video content inside the app so you have more control while making the app smaller and faster to install.
In the app which content about different aspects of QNET, you can now choose to download or view online. Downloading is a one time option which allows you to access the content quickly again and again, even when offline. Viewing online requires a good WiFi connection to stream video but means the content doesn't permanently take up too much space on your phone.
Take QNET4U for a test drive and weave it into your next presentation as a powerful takeaway for your prospects and customers.
Go to your app store to download the latest version or follow these links to the iOS App Store or Google Play and download it today.
SEE ALSO: QNET4U VIDEO: The QNET Opportunity Looks Like This!